To our Lebanon supporters,

Thank you!  Even with everything that was different this year, one thing was constant – your love and appreciation for the Lebanon’s Winter Wonderland displays.  Our LWW team worked hard on the displays and everything that went into a successful (if different) 2020 presentation. 

Each year, it takes a lot of hands to do everything for the show.  There is planning and routine maintenance during the spring and summer months – followed by the massive task of setting up the displays in October and November and taking them down in January. 

The straight truth is that we need volunteers or Winter Wonderland will come to an end. 

Our biggest need is during the set-up and take-down seasons as we are on a tight timeline to get the displays out of storage, placed according to plan, then get them in the ground and wired – and then reversing the process.  We need a lot of hands!

If you would like to consider joining the LWW Committee to help in planning, or would like more information on helping, please Email us at info @

Thank you again for all your support through the years, and we hope to hear from you! 

Casey Scharven
Past Chairman

Editor’s Note: The above message was sent out in 2021. It is still very accurate and pertinent as to the 2022, 2023, 2024 and 2025 displays and beyond.

Editor’s Note: The email address for volunteers has been updated.