Our first animated show from 2012. What a difference from today’s display!

One of the many different display areas is our animated light show, affectionately called (by the crew that puts it up) “Blinky”.

It is a modern day, computer controlled display that pretty much covers all of “Mole Valley”. (The valley next to the large parking lot and the Park Hall.) It combines music and motion. It takes time and energy to plan, program (we call it sequencing), put it up, and take it back down again.

The amount of time varies (for a full on “Blinky Head”) from a full year and 365 days. The energy is in building new props, wiring them, and then sequencing them (not necessarily in that order.)

Actually, the greatest current need is in assembling the show at the end of October and then taking it back down the first week of January. Anyone can assist! (No technical knowledge required.)

If you are interested in doing more, we are also looking for those that would like to learn how to make the magic happen. Prop building is “hands on” and takes place at Al’s place. Sequencing can be done at your home, on a computer using special software that is freely available. We do train!!! (We also are available to help you through some of the learning curve. It is not bad, but there is a little.)

If you would like to know more, or already know that you would like to get involved, contact Al Gerdes (Blinky Master), 618 660 7621 or send an email to al@apgenterprises.com.

Though it sounds hard, it actually is very easy to do. It is extremely rewarding when you see it “come to life”.

Come see for yourself.